VisBox -X1
The VisBox is an affordable immersive 3D display. The system provides large, passive stereo imagery within a small footprint.
The VisBox makes use of the newest in bright, sharp digital projectors. The turn-key VR option adds the newest in PC graphics workstation hardware, a 6 DOF tracked input device (wand), and the VisTrack wireless optical head-tracker. The result is a system that outperforms much more expensive traditional VR hardware.
The VR software environment includes a simple to use VisBox API, complete with demo applications. In addition, the system is pre-configured for use with common VR libraries such as CAVElib, FreeVR, vrJuggler, and DIVERSE.
The VisBox-X1 model features a 8'x6' screen size with a depth of only 5 feet. The system can be configured with XGA (1024x768) or SXGA+ (1400x1050) projectors, with light output up to 5100 lumens per projector. Like the the other VisBox models, it is available either as a stand-alone 3D stereo display or as a turn-key projection-based VR system with head and wand tracking.
Resolution: XGA (1024x768) or SXGA+ (1400x1050)
Screen size: 8'x6' screen, rear-projection unit, only 5' deep
Footprint: 96"w x 90"h x 60"d
Two digital XGA or SXGA+ projectors, up to 5100 lumens each
Free-standing enclosure with dual front-surface mirrors
Hidden casters for movement within room
Custom projector positioners
Linear polarization filters and 10 pairs of glasses
Video and power cabling
Option - Circular Polarization:
Circular polarization filters and 10 pairs of circular glasses
Option - Tracking Package
Option - Turn-key VR system:
Tracking package
Graphics workstation with NVIDIA graphics
Speakers and amplifier
VisTrack server
Development libraries: boxlib, FreeVR, vrJuggler, DIVERSE
Demos and applications: BOXfly, BOXnav, VTK examples, CAVE QUAKE, others